The New Opportunity Centre
Services are provided from the centre in Edmonton, which is also the base from which a range of community-based activities start. There is a strong focus on independent living skills including a dedicated kitchen as well as a range of education, leisure and craft activities.
Currently on the programme for April–June 2016 we have:
Dance Arts and Craft
Zumba Volunteering at the Library
Multi Sports Travel training
Accessible cycling Sensory
Boccia Massage
Training to Run etc
Club 18+
Club 18+ is a dedicated after-school/college club for young adults in transition from Children’s to Adult services. The Club operates from 3:30pm through to 7:00pm each evening. It presents a relaxed social environment in which young service users gain a range of life skills and have an opportunity to develop friendships with their peers in a secure and supportive environment. The Club operates from The New Opportunity Centre as well as taking part in lots of community integration activities.