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    Enfield Mencap Coffee Mornings 2019

    Posted: January 30, 2019

    Dear Parent/Carers                                                                                                                           January 2019

    We are pleased to say we have our Coffee Mornings at Enfield Mencap, twice a month on Tuesdays and Thursdays to support Parent/Carers that cannot make certain days.

    We do appreciate Parent/Carers have  commitments but if you are free please come  along as it’s always nice to see you. It is a very informal event where Parent/Carers  can get together and share information with one another. 

    Thank you all very much for your support and we do fully understand when a Parent/Carer cannot make some days but feel free to come to any other days you can.

    Below are the dates and times; hopefully you will be able to attend one or more sessions. Feel free to attend as many as you want if you can attend all of them even better!!! 

    Between the 10h and 14th June 2019 is carer’s week.

    C-M letter January 2019-2

    Kind Regards


    sonay.onbinon@enfield mencap.org.uk
    Direct Line: 020 8887 9984
    Mobile : 07535681070


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