Dear Parent/Carers 29/10/2018
I would like to thank all parents/carers for coming to our 3rd year event of “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning” which we held here on Friday 28th September 2018.
We raised £119.60p for the great team of McMillan nurses. Thank you to everyone; it was so nice to see parents/carers at our coffee morning and where parents/carers could not attend this event they either baked a cake or sent some cakes in to sell and donated money.
I would like to say thank you to all staff members for making this day work, also our members where they worked very hard at baking!!!
Here are some pictures and we will be holding this event every year; the McMillan nurses do a wonderful job.
We do hold coffee mornings once a month and letters are going out with more dates, so if you are free do please come along. They are nice chilled out coffee mornings and if you have any ideas please feel free to come forward as we are always open to suggestions.
Our next coffee morning will be on Thursday 15th November and we will be discussing where we will be going out for our Christmas lunch. I hope you can make these dates.
Thank you all again.
Sonay Onbinon
Transition and Family Liaison Officer.